Dave has termed our latest Europe Vacation as a "marathon vacation" and has even compared it to hiking to Half Dome! Yes it's a crazy trip, and overall it probably satisifies my personality more than Dave's even though its his birthday trip. In my defense I did ask him where he wanted to go and it all meant doing a lot in 2 weeks. As he wanted horse racing, a few days in Paris (for me), beer in Dublin, and some castles.
So we start off the trip with Dave's birthday Happy Hour in Burbank. Then its off for a few hours of sleep before driving to LAX at an ungodly hour for a 6:30 am flight to Philly.
When we finally arrive we will have 3 days in Paris to visit the Eiffel tower (again), the louvre, Picasso Musesum, Arch De Triumph, a boat tour down the Seine, and other sights. We will also make sure to sit at an outdoor cafe with a bottle of French Wine!
Then its off to london via Chunnel. In london we are staying by Hyde Park and will see a lot of the sights including Kensington Palance, Changing of the Guard, the Royal Mews (horses), Londonw Tower, London Bridge, Big Ben, and do a sunset tour of Stonehenge. Here we plan to drink newcastle in some british pubs.
Next we are off to Edinburgh to see the city including Edinburgh Castle. One day we will even tour Loch Lomond and one of the National Parks.
Our next stop is Glasgow and/or St andrews (famous for scottish golf).
Finally On the 28th we make our way to Ireland. First we head to Northern Ireland by ferry and spend an afternoon in Belfast before heading down to Dublin. Our last two days will be spent touring Dublin including Newgrange, drinking Guiness, and going to the horse races. Can you believe that the horse race we are going to is sponsored by Miller Beer!!!! Give me a Guiness or Smithwicks instead please!
The very end of our trip will be spent in Pennsylvannia for my friends wedding. I can't wait to take pictures there and see how I do! So it's all pretty exciting but a little stressful at the same time since we're less than a week away. I promise to try and post on the blog and maybe photos too. We do have internet access in London. So check back for more!
Photo of the Day: