This weekend Dave and I took off for San Diego. We enjoyed 3.5 days in SD (we took a half day off on Friday). On Friday we came down early to go to the Del Mar
Horse track.

Not only for the horse races, but also to see one of our
favorite bands...Angels and Airwaves ( look for there new CD in October!). The concert was pretty
awesome. If you don't know
A&A, its a spin off band from when Blink 182 broke up. Tom
Delonge from Blink decided he wanted to create his own band...and they rock! Saturday we didn't have a lot planned. So we ended up in Mexico! Yup, we drove down to the border and walked over to

It was
definitely crazy. This was my second time over there, but its been a while. It's just crazy how once you pass the border things become more dirty and run down, but cheap. We had several $1 coronas
and $2 margaritas. We bought
some other stuff too including $10 bottle of Kahlua. Going over there for the day just makes you realize how thankful you are for living in the USA. This was Dave's first time there. I think at the time he was pretty much ready to leave, but now that he looked back on it he
realized he had lots of fun and was glad he went. Although he did get to practice saying the work "no" a lot! We returned after about 4 hours and headed back to the resort for some pool time.
The next day we did some local wine tasting at some very small wineries! We were afraid
Temecula wineries maybe closed for the holiday so we decided to use Sunday for Wine tasting Instead. We ended up with 4 bottles of wine to take back.

We ended to day with more pool time at the resort, sunset at Del Mar, Dinner on Coronado Island, and a couple of drinks in the
Gaslamp district.

On Labor day we headed over to one of my favorite locations, La
Jolla, for kayaking and seal watching. If you've never been to La
Jolla I totally recommend it. Both the shore and the cove. It's an
amazing little beach town with fabulous cliffs and scenery.
Definitely one of my favorite coastal spots to visit. There were very few seals around but we did spot one while out on the kayak. After kayaking we went to play in the Pacific Ocean. We both forgot how fun it can be to play in the big waves! We took a few photos and then headed home to Lancaster after a nice
Italian dinner.