Yeah, so Mammoth was amazing. Of course, what isn't amazing after 10 feet of snow! We spent two glorious days on the slopes. The weather was beautiful, the snow was great, and the condo (although not truly ski in/ski out, more like ski in only) was pretty sweet. We had a great weekend! Dave and I skied so much. Both mornings we were on the lift at 8:40 and were off the slopes at 4:10! With only half hour lunch breaks. Talk about lots of runs! Sunday we pushed it hard. I'd say I pushed Dave pretty hard, but that's not really true. Normally I go to trails where he can take a blue run while I take a black run and then we meet up. But yesterday he wanted to ski with me. Which pretty much meant he skied blacks most of the day, even some of the ones at the very top! Go Dave! He did great, and I was so proud of him. I spent a lot of Sunday working on my mogul skiing. It's getting there slowly but surely. Once I get the hang of it maybe I'll have the confidence for those double blacks!
I truly love skiing so much. It's something that I just can't live with out. I think I went through huge skiing withdrawls while living in Florida. I feel like I'm making up for lost time! It is something I can really see myself doing 20- 30 years from now (s long as the knees hold up). I've gotten so fast in the last few years. It's amazing how much my confidence and ability has increased. At one point we were coming down and Dave was trying to follow my tracks. afterwards he said to me " wow, you go fast!". Sometimes I find it amazing that I even feel comfortable at those speeds, but its fun!
Next ski trip is in 3 weeks...Salt Lake City!
On a complete side note (for all amateur Photogs, like me)...Have you ever tried getting prints on metallic paper? I totally recommend it! I just got 6 prints that I ordered from MPIX...all I can say is WOW! They are great. Give it a try!