I am so psyched right now! Tonight was my 2nd photography class. The photographer asked us all to bring in pictures for him to critique. I took in an album I've started with my favorite photos. WOW, did I get good reception! I was sitting there looking at the photos other people brought in and when I really realized my photos are pretty good for an amateur. I almost felt embarrassed to show my album because I didn't want to look like a show off. I gave him my album and upon opening it up, he said "Wow". He then proceeded to show some of my photos as good examples of composition. We ran out of time and he asked me to bring my album back next week. Every one in the class really liked the photos and gave me great comments. The photographer critqued some of my photos, but overall gave me great comments. It really meant something to here that from a pro. My self esteem was boosted so much. I really think I can do something with this talent. Don't get me wrong I still have a lot to learn, but for a complete self taught amateur I feel pretty confident in what I do.
Here are a couple of the photos he really liked.
Here are a couple of the photos he really liked.
1. A potrait of a cowboy in Fort Worth, TX:
2. The Golden Gate Bridge

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