Monday, March 19, 2007

More Basketball Comments

Okay, so here’s my post on College Bball that you’ve probably been wondering if I’ll ever say anything. Honestly I wasn't sure If I was going to say anything at all, but here it goes. Saturday was a tough day for Terps fans. I pretty much left the sports bar crying. Fortunately Dave was there to try and cheer me up, as he knows exactly how I was feeling. If you don’t know me well enough, I am very emotionally involved when it comes to College Bball. The good thing is us Terps fans have a lot to look forward to. We got great insight into what Grevis Vasquez and Eric Hayes will offer us (only freshmen this year). From what I’ve heard there are some more good freshmen coming in and Gist improved so much this year. Dave and I were talking last night and he predicts sweet 16 next year, and the final four two years from now. So it will be interesting to see how his predictions come out. This team needs to get back to the final four as its been 5 years! MD is rish in basketball tradition and we won't accept anything less. I know how I felt on Saturday, so I can only imagine how the terps and Gary felt on Saturday.

We all know that Strawberry was playing sick and only scored 8 pts the entire game. We also know the free throw shooting was pretty lacking. If it hadn’t been for at least one of those factors UMD would have won that game. I’m not going to make up excuses for them; the facts are what they are. I wish they would have pulled it off as I don’t think this team got the credit they deserved this year. How many other ACC teams can say they went on a 7-0 win streak in conference play! In my heart this is a final four team, and one that could have beat UF. If you look at the stats the two teams are pretty evenly matched. Unfortunately we’ll never know who would have won that match.

As for the teams that are left, I’m still sticking with UNC, Texas A&M, Kansas, and a ? now in the Midwest. I don’t think the UF is the best team out there and I don’t think they will win the tourney. They showed on Sunday that Purdue surly could have beaten them. Therefore I think one of the “better” teams is going to show them whose boss. They were not the best team last year, only the best against the 6 teams they had to play. That’s the thing with the tourney, its not to prove the best team in College Bball. In fact it’s not even the top 65 teams who play. It’s an elimination match up and if you have an off day, you’re not going to make it. I’m sorry FL fans, but I am not rooting for your team. As an ACC fan I will root for UNC and Tyler Hansborough. My second choice is Texas A&M as I think they are an underdog for the final four.

UMD women’s is still going. I will be rooting for a repeat title with them. I also think it would be so cool if it was an all ACC final four! Go ACC!!!

MD Women's Video:

On a side note: Dave decided that I needed to go shopping on sunday to cheer up a bit. So off to the antelope valley mall we went. After shopping at the mall, we went to lowes and got it set up to have them come out and measure our kitchen so we can get it remodeled.

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