Monday, March 10, 2008


Yeah, I'm totally Rudolph right now...bright red sunburned nose! I must have used the sunscreen at least 6 times in the 2 days we were skiing. But I guess it didn't totally work! Oh well. The price you pay for loads of fun!

We had a great time at mammoth this weekend. Dave and I decided to hit up the top of the mountain first thing sat morning since the snow is usually really nice at that time of day. He totally surprised me as we were going down Cornice Bowl...who come flying by me! Dave of course! Go Dave! I'm so glad that his level of skiing is improving and he's feeling more comfortable with speed. It really allows us to enjoy the challenging trails together. He told me that is the fastest he has ever gone on skis. Later on we decided to race down another trail. It is so fun to have us both skiing at the same speed.

Sunday I was very proud of myself. I started the day out on a mogul trail and didn't do to well. I didn't fall but my technique was not that great. So I decided to end the day on another black mogul trail. This time I did great! I nailed almost every mogul! Go me!

Sorry no photos. I don't know why I even bother to bring the camera on ski weekends, I never have time for photographs!

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