Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Post Without A Name

Wow can you believe the year is more than half over! Is it me or does it seem that time just flies by as you get older. Maybe its just that I love our life and all the great things we get to do. I do want summer over though. I really hate summer. Last week we had a day where it got up to 109, but only 7% humidity. I guess I'd rather have it dry and hot rather than humid and hot. I am going through vacation withdrawls though. It's been about 9 months since we went to Costa Rica. But we only have 2 months til our grand canyon hike! The big vacation won't be until the end of the year.

Some total random things:

- I updated my photography blog from the wedding this past Saturday.
- I had 125 hits on my photography blog yesterday….that set a daily record!
- I want to go hiking this weekend very badly, but I have so many photos to edit, so I don't know if it is feasible.
- Dave and I cooked dinner together on Sunday night…it was so yummy. 95% fat free Burgers (homemade and I used a sesame teriyaki marinade in the meat), garlic broccoli, and potatoes with old bay on the grill.
- I am attending a photography workshop next Saturday..all day…I can't wait. Should be lots of fun.
- Dave wants to start playing tennis, so I think we're going to try and go out twice a week. We used to play that and basketball when we lived in Florida.
- My mom called me at work this morning (she's in Florida right now at their new house) all freaked out because she found a gecko in the bathroom. I told her "welcome to Florida Mom, at least it wasn't a roach".
- My brother is actually getting married next month…I still can't believe it.
- I introduced myself to facebook for the first time yesterday when I got a "friend" invite from a college friend. Then two more people from college added me to their pages in the same day.
- Dave was so helpful on Sunday. I was feeling quite overwhelmed with the amount of photos I have to go through. So he ran errands, cleaned up the house some, and even bought me a calendar white board for the office. Now I've set due dates for myself on all my photo shoots. I need organization or else I don't function well at all!

Well, I guess that's about it going on around here.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

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