Our trip to Mammoth was meant to enjoy fall, but we actually got to expereince some winter too. The lows were in the 20s and the weather was a bit odd. It just made us anxious to get back on our skis. I keep hoping they will get more snow and early season skinig will be decent this year.
So on Friday we traveled up to Mammoth Lakes to celebrate our anniversary. The condo was fantastic. A corner unit that was actually more of a townhouse. It had a flat screen TV with surround sound and amazingly conformable beds. We went to Whiskey Creek for dinner and went for the full thing...appetizer (artichoke dip), Entrees, and Desert (mud pie). Everything was delicious. Desert is always a nice treat for me, since I rarely ever eat it. The downfall with the condo complex was that the hot tubs were apparently closed until 1 Nov! How can you come to mammoth and not use the hot tub! But we figured out a way to enjoy hot tub time anyway!
On Saturday we got up enjoyed breakfast and some coffee and then headed out to the trail head for a bit of a hike. We were planing on doing a 10 mile hike up to Duck Pass and back, but once we got to Mammoth we didn't think we'd actually get all the way up there, because there was a good amount of snow on the mountains! But we decided to try and see how far we would get. Well as soon as we got on the trail it started to snow! Yup, you read that right! It was actually the weirdest weather day..we had snow, rain, hail, wind, and some blue skies. Dave for some reason decided he didn't need to bring a jacket to elevation in October...so once we got to the third lake we ate lunch and turned around. IT was windy and quite chilly up there. So the hike ended up only being about 6 miles.. but we decided to want to go back there and backpack.
Sunday we got up early and drove to Convict Lake (the place on the nature valley commercial) for morning photos, but soon realized first thing in the am isn't the best time as the other mountains cast lots of shadows. So I took a few shots then we drove back to the condo.
The next two are at Lake Mary
Now we're home and wishing the weekend was not over!
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