Monday, May 31, 2010

Bolder Boulder

I ran my first 10K in Colorado today! Got up at 5am to get up to Boulder for my 7:09am start time for my qualifying wave. I ended up with a slower time than I wanted, but that is okay as the elevation is a big deal. I was 42nd in my age level out of 692. So now I have a goal for next year. Get back down into the 48 range. So I remember next year. Here are my split times.

Mile 1: 7:33.40 (started out good, but just couldn't maintain it)
Mile 2: 8:05.34
Mile 3: 8:20.47 (Must have been a big up hill here!)
Mile 4: 8:01.86
Mile 5: 7:52.57
Mile 6: 8:08.48

In two weeks I will be running a half marathon at 8000 feet! Not expecting a good time there.

The really cool part is I finished in the top 6% of my age level. I was aiming for top 5%, so I was close.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Race Time

I have taken some time off from racing and have just been exercising for myself. But now that I will finally be living in Denver I am getting excited again about racing...therefore my training has become more hard core.

The current plans...
The Bolder Boulder 10K on memorial day!
the Stadium Stampede 5K at Invesco Field
A Duathlon in June if me and my bike are there in time.
the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in October

More will be coming I'm sure. But these are the ones I know I want to do for sure.

So excited! Living in Denver is so going to ROCK!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Takin Tomorrow Off!

My weekend of exercise:
Friday - over an hour of cardio at the gym - burned about 900 calories
Saturday - ran for an hour, biked for an hour
Sunday - ran 10.3 miles

I think I deserve a day off from cardio, agree?

But I think I'll be ready for my races in Denver!