Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What do those judges know!

So today wasn't the best of days. I found out that I did not win any awards at the AV fair for my photos. I saw the ones that did win on their website, and honestly I think mine are better. Some of the ones I saw were so plain and boring. There composition was all wrong. So what do these judges know! Are they actual pro photographers? Or are they just some hobbyist. Ahhh...I could defiantly use some cheering up. Everyone tells me to keep my chin up and don't let it set me back, but it's hard to not let it affect me. I mean I try so hard and I think my photos are pretty darn good. I'd just like someone else to recgonize that besides my friends and family. Does that make any sense? Maybe my photos were just to Non-traditional for these judges.

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