Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What do you think about this...

Michele Schanker...Asisstant to a local Wedding Photographer. Pretty sweet huh. Yup, the photographer thats been teaching my class asked me if I'd like to be his assistant. I know I'm going to be busy but its a great opportunity to learn more about photography and improve.


Keri Donald said...

Hey Michele! Just checked into your blog (been meaning to for a while now... I kept your Xmas letter by my computer just waiting to do that, and now that I'm cleaning up my desk I remembered to check it)! Anyway, your photography is absolutely wonderful! Such a beautiful eye for so many different subjects. :) Great job, and good luck with the assistant thingy!

Michele Schanker said...

Thanks Keri and thanks for checking the blog. Sometimes I wonder if people actually read this thing. I'm so excited about the assisitant thing, even if we have to cut back on some of our weekend trips! :) I really should learn a lot and improve my photography.