Friday, October 24, 2008

No New Progrees

I'm thinking I should have dropped some of my engineering babble on Adobe. Maybe tell them not having CS3 could be in violation of their configuration managemnt policies, blah blah blah.Just maybe then they'd realize they aren't just dealing with just some Joe off the street but an engineer who is heavily invovled with a software department. Well we shall see what happens when Dave calls on Monday. This stuff makes me to mad so I don't deal to well with it. He's much more cool and calm then me. Their email reply I got is just some form cut and paste email. They didn't even address anything I wrote. In fact it’s the same email I got 2 weeks ago. What great customer serivce…not! After doing some research, I'm apprently not the only one with issues on adobe customer service. They even have an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB. Nice.

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