Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thailand Recap

10 Airplanes
1 train (don't take the train in Thailand)
3 planes either changed or booked at the last minute (very easy to do in Thailand)
6 different hotels
4 Islands
Countless Monkeys and Elephants
Fed one baby tiger
Two Elephant Rides
10 different cities and beaches
Rode 2 Tuk Tuks
Many taxi rides
Met people from Australia, Ireland, Italy, India, Finland, Norway, Sweden, England, and I'm sure many other places as well.
Lots of Buddhas and Temples

Lessons Learned:

1. Don't take the train...and if you do..only take 1st class. The Trains just weren't like European trains at all. In fact we changed our plans to fly instead of taking an overnight train after our first train experience. We were on a 2 hour second class train and it was not a lot of fun. The bathroom was something to avoid!

2. For females...take toilet paper from your hotel room. Seriously its a BYOTP country. Lots of places either don't have toilet paper or they charge for it. Also most of the toilets are basically just a hole in the ground. The bucket of water is for flushing (took me a few toilet visits to figure that one out).

3. It's very easy to change your airline reservations. They don't even charge you as long as they have fares of the same rates available.

4. Don't take the Tuk Tuk!!! It's lots of fun, but they want to take you all over the city for there free gas deal and you spend more time shopping for custom clothes and jewelry.

5. If your going to Chiang Mai and you want some custom it much cheaper.

6. Be willing to negotiate..cut there price in half! Tell them its your best offer and walk away...90% of the time they will take it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great tips! Must have been interesting to get used to the toilets! I do hope to go to Thailand one day, esp after reading all your posts and recaps!!!